The idea of a drug-free society being a crime-free society is a widely debated concept. The reason behind it is that if all drugs were banned, the crime rate would significantly decrease. There are several factors that support this argument, such as the reduction of drug-related crimes, drug-related violence, and addiction-related crimes.
The war on drugs has been waged for many years, with the aim of reducing drug-related offenses. Nigeria in particular through her agency NDLEA has introduced laws, policies and programs aimed at eradicating the drug problem from their societies. Despite this, drug use keeps increasing and so does the crime rate. It is widely believed that drugs fuel criminal activity, and this is one of the strongest arguments behind a drug-free society being a crime-free society.
Many of the crimes committed today, such as theft and assault, are often drug-related. Drug addiction can lead to desperate behaviour, such as stealing to fund a drug habit. This often leads to theft, burglary, and other related offenses. It is believed that if drugs were banned, then the temptation to commit crimes to fund a habit would disappear.
Drug-related violence is another significant factor in crime rates. Drug dealers and users are often involved in violent disputes over territory and control of drug markets. Prohibiting drugs would reduce the number of violent crimes, as dealers and users would have no incentive to fight over drug territory.
Lastly, addiction is a significant contributor to crime. Many addicts commit crimes such as drug possession, drug trafficking, and theft, to feed their addiction. By prohibiting drugs, we reduce the number of addicts, which in turn reduces the number of addiction-related crimes.
In conclusion, the idea that a drug-free society is a crime-free society is a complex and heavily debated issue. While the reduction of drug-related crimes, drug-related violence, and addiction-related crimes would be a significant benefit to society, the criminalization of drugs is not the solution. A drug-free society must be implemented through education, rehabilitation, and making people aware of the dangers of drug use. Only then can a society truly become a drug-free one.
Dated June 12, 2023