Welcome to Myekeemedia, a leading integrated world-class online site with the objective of storing relevant historical, contemporary and other related information about Igede land, the people and their rich cultural heritage. The Myekeemedia website aimed to serve as a veritable tool for the knowledge and exploration of Igede land, the people, the language, their way of life then, and way of life now and act as the general education channel.
Have you ever considered how many Igede indigenes are not dwelling in Igedeland and need to be reached with facts about their place of birth? Have you also considered those that left the land in search of greener pasture and may not have time to stay connected physically with the people but have a lot of interest in the life of the people? How many people, including people living in the land, are without adequate knowledge and details about the people and their cultural values? Many have lived in the diaspora with their children, and the children barely have contact with the land and the people but are desirous of learning about the land and her people.
Have you ever wondered how many people of Igede descent find it challenging to communicate and write in Igede language with adequate correctness? In that way, the level of illiteracy, according to United Nations, is high “A person is said to be literate if he/she can read in his/her mother’s tongue, and write so that it could be read and understood by another person” –United Nations.
Myekeemedia is out to put in the public domain information that will help achieve the desire for adequate and correct knowledge about Igede land, the language, the people and her culture. Myekeemedia will be a helpful guide and resource for indigenes and non-indigenes within and outside Igede land, and also for Igede language students and researchers.
Igede language is the only thing on earth that Igede people have full ownership of. We owe a responsibility for its development, preservation and presentation in the best possible form to the next generations.