There are many people in the world who claim to be right while being wrong. Such individuals believe that their opinion is always correct and that everyone else is wrong. This behavior is often seen in people who are stubborn and unwilling to accept new ideas or listen to opposing views.
One example of a person who claims to be right while being wrong is the classic know-it-all. This person is often loud and quick to express their opinions, but rarely takes the time to listen to others or acknowledge their own mistakes. They may believe that they are the only person who knows what is best for everyone and that their way is the only way.
Another example of someone who claims to be right while being wrong is the conspiracy theorist. This person is convinced that there is a hidden agenda behind every event or situation and that they are the only ones who can see the truth. They often dismiss evidence to the contrary and create their own false narratives to explain what they believe to be happening.
A third example of someone who claims to be right while being wrong is the person who refuses to acknowledge their own biases. This individual may believe that their opinions and views are neutral and objective, but in reality, they are colored by their own experiences and beliefs. They may dismiss opposing views as being biased or flawed, while failing to see their own biases.
Chawowo, ela ochiche ka! These people can be frustrating to deal with, as they are often unwilling to consider other viewpoints or admit their own mistakes. It is important to be open-minded and willing to listen to others, and to acknowledge that no one person has all the answers. Only by being humble and willing to learn from others can we truly grow and develop as individuals and as a people.
Just thinking about some young people in the land of my birth.