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Updated: Jun 30, 2022

By Dr. Pita Obam

Indeed, our forefathers were deep religious people. They were great worshippers of gods (deities). They were in search of the true God. And they searched for Him through stones, trees, animals, pots, feathers, forests, rivers and animate and inanimate objects.

The introduction of akpang in Igede land followed a cry for divine help of a woman, who according to oral tradition, was lamenting the deaths of her beautiful children, who were killed by witches and wizards.

Incidence of witchcraft was quite rampart in those days. You dare not have a beautiful child, for witches will definitely devour such. As such, every beautiful child is hidden from the glare of the public, or is even disfigured with traditional birth marks.

According to oral tradition, the lamenting woman was accosted in the forest by an old woman in form of OMILODO (wild goat) who gave her an object, AKPANG, to help wade off activities of witchcraft in her home. She took it home and activities of witchcraft ceased in her home and her children survived.

The rest of the people started adopting the new found god. And it seemed like success story. Soon, AKPANG assumed a larger than life position in the land. Men started joining the fraternity and took it over and revered it.

Members of the fraternity became revered and were feared by witches and wizards and all wicked members of the society.

To stamp their authority in the land, they made a circle round every village called OGU NY’AKPANG. (I warned my relations never to allow it round my personal house in the village). Please, kindly confirm from your father if that circle is round your village family house. It is said that once that circle is round your village, all activities of witchcraft would stop

In addition to dealing with witchcraft, AKPANG fraternity members were now the law making and law enforcement arm of the society. You dare not break rules that is considered sacrilegious.

They regulated laws such not having sex outdoors, not eating new yams until they declare it. They became involved in deaths and burials that witchcraft was suspected. That was why the dead body of a suspected witch or wizard is swollen beyond measure.

Indeed, AKPANG was considered so powerful that when it comes in contact with wicked occultic god (OJIGA ONY’OBI), the latter is destroyed. In fact, it is believed that if you bring any such charm, amulets to the boundary of Igede land, you become suddenly blind!

In those days, Igede young people were encouraged to carry OGBO NY’AKPANG wherever they went. The reason being that wicked people won’t be able to reach out to you.

As a young student who was admitted to a college in ICHI land, my eldest brother insisted that I will not take up the admission except I go with OGBO NY’AKPANG. Of course, I stubbornly refused to carry and he bluntly refused to shift his position. I almost lost a whole first term because of my stubborn refusal to carry it.

His reasoning was that, I was too brilliant and wicked people will make me mad if I don’t arm myself with a protective charm. That was the general belief then; that if you are too intelligent, you would be made to run mad.

It took the intervention of elders, including an AD’AKPANG uncle, who assured my brother that if I so believe in the protection of my God, I should be allowed to leave for college. It was with much fear and trepidation that my brother allowed me to leave for that college. After that first term that I received an automatic promotion to the next class (never heard of promotion to the next class in first term), he insisted that I either school at home or no more school.

Am coming to my point gradually.

I remember vividly when I refused to accept OGBO NY’AKPANG, my brother, in trying to persuade me, advised that I don’t need to carry the physical symbol of OGBO NY’AKPANG around, I could simply eat IYO NY’OKOBA and have the protection inside my body.

Of course, again, I rejected that. Is it not worse to have it inside my body? But I was curious enough to find out what was the significant of eating IYO NY’OKOBA. I learnt that OKOBA is used to sacrifice to the deity!

We all should know the significance of the use of that particular animal for sacrifice. OKOBA represents misery and poverty at the highest level. Apart from it’s dirty, filthy habits and habiliments, this animal represents suffering, penury, stagnation and all that’s not clean. Thus, by using okoba, AKPANG became associated with poverty, misery, stagnation and untold suffering and unexplained hardship

Therefore, if you want to end misery, confusion, unwarranted stagnation, unexplained hardship and suffering and poverty in your family and generation, reject AKPANG in its entirety!

This is not a healthy traditional practice that should be encouraged. It is pure worship of demons ignorantly accepted by many for generations. The presence of the deity may appear advantageous, but the resultant effects on the people are disastrous and catastrophic.

The initial purpose for introduction of AKPANG have being defeated.

AKPANG now goes into evil and wicked partnership with witches and wizards. A witch can now kill a man or woman and hands over the dead body to AKPANG to torment (swell)!

And people will start accusing your relation (father or mother) of dying by the act of AKPANG because they were involved in witchcraft!

This has caused a lot of heated quarrels, and brawling fights during burials. This also, severally, led to stigmatization of your family, that your mother GBU IGU NY’NYAKPANG (died because she was practicing witchcraft)

Thus, if you made rapid progress after the death of such parent, it will be attributed to INAMWU CH’UWHA HO LE (the mother has given him success witchcraft).

Many families still suffer stigmatization because of the circumstances surrounding death of a relation. That such relative died practicing witchcraft! Just have a little argument with someone, you will just be reminded that your mother was a witch!!

Meanwhile, the real witch or wizard who killed your mother or father is alive under the watchful eye of AKPANG! Indeed, AKPANG is now in collaboration with witches and wizards to truncate your life and destiny of your father’s house!!

Go back home now! Don’t delay!! Ask your father or your surviving uncles if your family is still involved in practice of AKPANG. Find out if any symbol of AKPANG is found in your home and have it thrust out without delay!!!

You must break the circle of poverty in your family and village! Reject the role of AKPANG in your life and the life of your family.

I and my eldest brother’s children insisted that my elder, who was initially in custody of akpang would have nothing to do with AKPANG. We compelled him to hand over AD’AKPANG stool to whoever cared and we thus rejected AKPANG from our households. Now, we are enjoying the mercies and protection of the MOST HIGH GOD!!!!

We must make a mark in our generation.

The gods and deities in the land are too many! And very unnecessary!!

Let’s refuse enslavement and bondage to ancestral and strange gods in our land.

Free yourself and generation from those devilish idols.

God is practically angry with those gods. He vowed to take full vengeance on the gods of Egypt and He did.

Igede land and people are groaning under penury and stagnation because the gods are too many and are a huge albatross on the people.

As you take step to reject these man made gods, may the Almighty God who has protected me from witches and wizards, blessed me in every conceivable way, bless and protect you!


Igede Ihyoo!

#Inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Written on 25082020#


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