(Berea Youth Programme –from the pulpit January 2003)
BIBLE PASSAGE: James 4:7-8
Every Christian is call upon to fight the good fight and to lay hold of eternal life. During the course of this earthly pilgrimage, every believer will be exposed to the onslaught of the evil one. The effect of the battle against sin will be manifested by the scars of the conflicts, which will be token of the welfare and trophies for the glory of Christ.
But not all the wounds incurred in the struggle against sin will be trophies to lay at the savior’s feet. Some will be dishonorable wounds which were needlessly acquired throw our own carelessness. Attacks and insults we get because we are not too careful; misrepresentation because we are careless; which should have been avoided. We let the wolf into our house by opening the door to see if he is outside.
Surely, we are to resist the devil, but we should not open the door to satisfy idle curiosity, to see whether he is there. If we do and then entered through the door we have opened and we are engaged in a struggle, it will be because we opened the door and such crisis and struggles we may never face if only we kept the door shut tightly. let us keep the door shut with the word of God and obedience to it. Amen.
(Berea Youth Programme –from the pulpit January 2003)
BIBLE PASSAGE: 1 Kings 19:3-9
Elijah had come to the turning point in his ministry in which year was over burdened with difficulties with beset him. All he wanted was death’s sweet release from his troubles.
Are there not times in our own walk when we have decided that life is too complex and that we are at the end of our tether? It could be in our school life, with a particular subject-and in most cases mathematics. It could be in relationship with our parents, teachers and even in our churches. So we walk out into a quiet place to die without consulting God to see whether this is His will. And then we find that we have been wrong. Our numbered days are not yet accomplished; there is still some of the way to go.
God deliberately said, ‘No’ to Elijah and by so doing he has left us with two principles, both of which are ever in the life of every believer. First, God demonstrated that he has something better for Elijah than death. He was translated or taken up to heaven alive. God has something better for you than to stop or withdraw. Second, he showed again that His glorious promises do not fail. God said in Deuteronomy 33:25 “the bolts of your gate will be iron and bronze, and your strength will be equal your day.” A disciple is known for what he takes up, and not for what he gives up. Amen.
(Berea Youth Programme –from the pulpit January 2003)
The strongest person is weak when tempted by prosperity, money or reputation. The desires to do, to be, and to have are not wrong except when they have for their end selfish satisfaction. Each of us has these drives within him and they must be control or they will control and ruin us. There are certain life activities that you don’t need much money before you do. God who understand your makeup and sees into the future knows why you are not rich in money or reputation or in materials. The wind of the gospel of prosperity, riches for all at all cost may be working against the will of God for certain people. God often protect His children by refusing to allow them to have too much of the world’s goods, only God knows how many of us would fall into sin if He did not keep us from this sort of temptation.
God hate laziness or but blesses hard work. But all hard work does not result in success but in contentment. The richest person is one who is contented with what he or she has. Children of God who had given peace and contentment are then after all not poor. Amen.
(Berea Youth Programme –from the pulpit December 2003)
BIBLE PASSAGE: Judges 15:1-20
Samson was thirsty and ready to die. The difficulty was totally different from any the hero has met before. To get thirsty greatly is nothing compared to be deliver from 1000 Philistines. When thirst was on him Samson felt that little presented difficulty weightier than the great past difficulties out of which he had been delivered. It is very usual for God’s people when they have enjoyed a great deliverance to find a little trouble too much for them.
Samson slayed 1000 Philistine and piled them up in heaps and then faint for a little water. Funny enough, Samson never thanked God for the victory but was only boasting how he used a donkey’s jawbone to make ‘donkeys’ of them. The Lord taught him his littleness, his nothingness in order to keep him within bounds. Samson boasted loudly, his boastful throat soon grew dry with thirst and it led him to pray. God has many ways of humbling His people.
The reflection is- are we different from Samson or do we behave like Samson? It calls for review, looking at our situation and circumstances in everyday life. Dear children of God, if after great mercies, you are laid very low, your case is not an unusual one. If God has worked for you a great deliverance in the past, your present difficulties only like Samson thirst and the Lord will not let you faint nor let the daughters of uncircumcised triumph over you.
The road of sorrow is the road to heaven, but there are wells of refreshing all along the route. God will deliver you, only trust and obey. Amen.
(Berea Youth Programme –from the pulpit December 2003)
BIBLE PASSAGE: John 5:17, James 2:14-26
When Martin Luther was about to begin his work of reformation, he shared the burden on his heart with a bosom friend Myconius. Although the friend was interested, he did not go with Luther, promising rather to pray for him. Myconius did pray for Luther day by day, but as he continued to pray he felt increasingly uncomfortable. One night he dreamed a strange dream, he saw Jesus approached him with outstretched hand and wounded feet. He followed the Savior who took him to the top of a mountain, before him lay a vast plain with thousands of sheep, but there was only one man to shepherd them. Looking again, Myconius saw it was Luther ‘it is not enough’ cried Myconius waking, it is not enough that I should pray only in my quiet place and so he joined Luther.
James writing to the twelve tribes scattered among the nation said that “faith and deeds cannot exist independently of each other” James is not saying that a person is saved by works and not genuine Faith. Martin Luther commented on it and said “that a man is justified -declared righteous before God by Faith alone, but not by Faith that is alone.”
At the beginning of Christ ministry, He fasted and prayed, but still went to the street to preach. There are situations where prayers are not always and only enough; actions without prayers are not good, even if you are on the right track- praying- you cannot get anywhere if you just sit down.
God in some cases may be saying, “I heard you, go in this thy might as my ambassador”. Check yourself and find out which of your prayer needs an action and go ahead with the leading of the Holy Spirit and act. Amen.
(Berea Youth Programme –from the pulpit December 2003)
BIBLE PASSAGE: 2 Peter 3:18
The disciples of Jesus who does not grow in Grace is no advertisement for the faith. On our spiritual progress depends on our usefulness. There is no power on earth so potent as personal influence. There is no influence so potent as that of thorough going Christian whose life is consistently Christian, whose spirit is Christ-like, and whose motives are above suspicion. A Christian like that is a salt of the earth and is worth more to the cause of Christ and the welfare of men than 100 half-hearted Christians.
We are approaching the end of the year, when people are concerned with making resolutions for the coming year. Generally, we make a lot of resolutions, which we know we are not going to keep and so we make them higher than we can attain. Sometimes we make resolutions without commitment to them, not making conscious effort to realize them. Some make resolutions and are committed to it but will time it fades away.
We are suggesting a resolution, if you make it, just go out and do a little of it; you cannot afford not to keep it. The backing and support will be much from heaven and it will enable you to keep it. The resolution is- “I will grow in Grace and knowledge of Christ” and then go out and hunger to live the resolution out and you will witness spiritual support from the Holy Spirit. Happy new year in advance. Amen.