(Berea Youth Programme –from the pulpit January 2005)
BIBLE PASSAGE: Matthew 23:1-33, 1 Corinthians 11:1
Modelling is putting the gospel into practice on a daily basis and therefore become Christ-like and reflect to others to see or an example to others. Modelling is usually not what you do occasionally or in preparation for a special event or sacred occasion; it is a way of life and a regular form of behavior.
A very stubborn person may close his ears to instructions; but always his eyes are open wide for example, not necessary for correction of his behavior but for comments and criticism. There is a scarcity of model in Christian society, it worried Christ in his time, He was addressing a group who supposed to be the most important group of His time and calling them fools, blind guides and for many times Jesus said ‘You, hypocrite pretending to be what you are not, teaching what you don’t do, manifesting external righteousness and sandwiching every comment to them with word “Woe to you”.
We have what we call ‘model crisis’ in the church, the youths wipe out all models, not desiring to learn from the old ones and unfortunately older people in many cases do not provide a model. But in all, no group is justified, the youth though young are still older than some people- the children. Therefore, everybody can be or is supposed to be a role model, because you are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses; even if they close their ears to the message of the gospel, they will open their eyes to see you.
It takes surrender to be a model, it takes sacrifice to be a model, it involves doing of the scripture, it involves enablement that comes only from the Holy Spirit. Let us be challenged to be a model and pray for Grace to say, ‘be imitators of me just as I also am of Christ’ and see if God will not bless our church with the revival we have been praying for. Amen.
(Berea Youth Programme –from the pulpit January 2005)
BIBLE PASSAGE: 1 Corinthians 7:17-24
The Bible emphasizes so much on faithfulness or commitment to little things that have been entrusted to us. It is easy to be popular, but commitment to the task takes the grace of God. Commitment and humility are typical example of a Christian character.
A major problem in the world and also in the church is ‘generational Gap’. Those who were students in the 60s can understand nor appreciate the way and manner students of 90s do their things. What used to ‘be real thing’ then to Christians is now old fashion, and the real thing now to the older Christian is immaturity. Well, some may be cut between both in ages and in ministry, be it old and new generation, the fundamental thing is that you are called and assigned to take a task and responsibility. It must not be according to the pattern of time but according to your Holy calling.
It used to be mark of spirituality to serve God without being noticed as much as possible and often people decline offers into leadership positions, office holders will hardly advertise. Almost the opposite is the case now, nobody wants to be left out or behind and hence leadership problem, anger and jealousy sets in. When somebody is too busy to the point of confusion, then he has arrived. Eventually his only contribution to all the function he is involved is ‘apology’. A small gathering of about 10 people will use a public address system covering 10 km radius. salesmanship is a correct word, if you don’t talk big you are not among the prophets, noise, pride and craze for popularity has replaced personal commitment and humility. If everybody is a ‘Peter’ among the disciples, where are the ‘Andrew, the Nathaniel and the Bartholomew’. Sometimes we leave the noble things to pursue shadows. Not everybody has the charisma to be a public figure, but everybody has the ability to work for God. Not all men and women of faith listed in Hebrew chapter 11 performed wonders, but were simply committed and sincere in their service to God.
It is rather unfortunate to our generation that the activities that really makes a Church grows spiritually are the ones that are silent and hence neglected; Bible study, quiet time, witnessing, improve personal prayer life, people desert them to places where they can be noticed. The noble job is to be involved in shaping the lives or lives of souls to Christ. Everybody can do a thing, get busy and fulfill your ministry, after all, we are called to be ‘salt of the world’ and typically a salt when added to the food is not seen at the end of the cooking, but only the effect of its entrance. So we should make all efforts to do the will of God and the God who sees in secret will reward us. We are not primarily accountable to men and so our service and show should not be for their eyes and approval. Amen.
(Berea Youth Programme –from the pulpit January 2005)
BIBLE PASSAGE: Numbers 13:26-33, John 6:5-13
This is aimed at addressing Christians that have been given Grace and have tasted the sweetness of fellowship with God, and has been graciously invested with gifts and blessings to affect this generation. The generation that will not pass before the glorified Christ will appear, the generation that will usher in the King of kings and Lord of lords.
The children of Israel were decidedly under God’s will through the leadership of Moses. God has worked many miracles, performed wonders and prove His power: the crossing of the Red sea, the feeding with manna, turning of bitter water to sweet, provision of meat, their shoes and clothes not worn out or torn and water from the rock. There was no shortage of miracle to lessen their faith in God.
When the report of the exploration of the Promised land was given to Moses and the whole Israelite community, there was what we call ‘the majority report and the minority report’, but that day there was a reversal in political or electoral order- minority carried the vote, that is two against ten. The exploit you can do for God, how you will use the gifts that is graciously given to profit the body of Christ, to be a battle axe of the Lord depend on how you see yourself.
The Israelites saw themselves small, living in small tents and like grasshoppers; grasshoppers cannot win a war. They saw the Canaanites strong, living in a fortified wall and are giants. While the Canaanites thought of themselves as grasshoppers and are highly afraid, the Israelites ironically thought of themselves less. This followed them even when they settled in the Promised land, the whole Israel army, the army of the living God saw Goliath the uncircumcised Philistine as too big to fight, thank God for David who saw Goliath too big to miss. Philip, the disciple of Jesus, not only heard reports about Jesus but has been with him, saw the great crowd as giant and saw feeding them as impossible, that 8-month salary will not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite. He was asked a question by a giant but was busy doing calculations and estimation and viewing capability of Jesus as a grasshopper. He failed the test because Jesus already had in mind what He was going to do.
When you see yourself as grasshopper, but passing your examination, having a job, security for witchcraft, getting money for your school fee and food, witnessing to others about Christ, to succeed in life as giant and how much God can do for you as grasshopper; you will go through this life a disappointment to God. You can conquer this grasshopper complex by including God in your plan, making Him a dominant focus and trusting Him for a particular difficulty and see if He cannot overcome it for you even more than you assumed. Even if you are on the right track, you cannot get anywhere if you just sit down. You are a giant and not a grasshopper, get up and put into use the power and grace of God in you. Take Philippians 4:13 as your anchor by faith “I can do everything through God who gives me strength” and maximize your inner potentials. Amen.