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Updated: Jul 1, 2022

On 21st March, 2021 at Methodist Church Afaha Ibesikpo Uyo.


“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! For if, when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. Romans 5:6-11 NIV

What comes to our mind when the word Cross is mentioned? It about Christ and His redemptive work, it is about the suffering of Christ that led to death that was the basis of our redemption, it signifies death, suffering, restrictions and reproach.

Why the Cross? Humanity fell in the garden of Eden when Adam disobeyed God. It was stated in Genesis 2:17 “but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.” The justice of God demand that man should die because of the act of disobedience. That day, death came on humanity, spiritual and eternal death was the result of the disobedience and God also pronounced that we will return to dust which is the physical death. But, because we are weak and frail and cannot help ourselves, God sent His only begotten Son to die for us and that mission to buy us back and give us life instead of the spiritual and eternal death. That mission took Him to the Cross. So the Cross is a symbol of life through Christ, not physical life, but spiritual life that leads to eternal life with Him.

Can somebody be a Christian without encountering the Cross? The answer is no! the starting point and the entry point is the Cross. The Cross is the point where our sins are forgiven through the finished work of Christ and new life that is not enslaved by the power of sin is given. So we cannot be a Christian when we have not been to the Cross. The Cross is the meeting point between the sin of humanity and the love of God that secured the salvation. Colossians 2:13-15 says: “When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having cancelled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.”

God hate sin in such a manner and degree that He gave His only son to die to put away sin in the life of those that chose to be for Him. Those that will put their trust in Him and cling by faith on the finished work of Christ on the Cross. The Cross of Christ is indispensable because it is the chosen route to heaven. If you desire to inherit eternal life, you must believe on the finished work of Christ on the Cross.

In Matthew 16:24-25 “Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” We cannot claim to be followers of Christ without the Cross. When we have the desire to crossover from death to life with Christ, we must deny ourselves, put away self and selfish ambition and take our cross and follow where He leads. When you follow and stay on the way of the Cross; God will help you with His Spirit to overcome the war between the flesh that is willing to disobey God and the spirit that desires to obey God. Galatians 5:16-17 “So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.”

May God help us cling to that old rugged Cross and its benefits and exchange it, when the roll will be called at the close of the age with a crown. Whatever deprivation we may experience as a result of following Christ, it will be nothing compared to the joy that await us if we do not faint but endures to the end. Let this hope be our strength and joy as we travel as pilgrim, so that we will not lose focus. Amen.

On a Sunday morning at IMC Itiam UYo, September 20, 2020.


Bible passage: Philippians 1:21-30

Text: verse 21

God is delighted to bring us together this morning to challenge us to a life that is wholly after Him and about Him. There is a popular saying- when the purpose of a thing is not, known abuse is inevitable. When the purpose of life or purpose of our call to follow Christ is not known, we will end up living for another purpose. This life must be lived for something; either for yourself or for Christ, you cannot have the two simultaneously, one will hinder another. Just like prayers and sin- sin can keep you from praying or praying can keep you from sinning. God should be the chief reason why you are living or He could just be a part of your life.

From the passage, Paul was in prison in Rome awaiting potential death sentence for the gospel of Christ. It was that period that he said one of the most quoted passage in the Bible ‘for me to live is Christ and to die is gain’. This statement is a reflection of his personal relationship with God, Christ was the source and secret of his continuous joy even when in prison. For Paul found all life’s meaning in Christ. His ultimate concern and most precious possession now that he is living or even in death and forever is Christ, so he prioritizes the spreading of the gospel and building up of the church of God.

For those who do not believe in God, life on earth is what matters; this marks the difference between a Christian and a non-Christian. It is not about being heavenly conscious and be earthly useless, that is not what we are saying, but when you strive for world’s values, – money, popularity, pleasure, prestige, without developing or attaching them with eternal, then all is not all right.

For many of us today in the church, we know most of the scriptures by heart but we don’t know it by practice. Christ and obedience to His word is not our life, when we are faced with the reality of issues or crisis, Christ is not considered at all or if at all- as a last resort. When we are happy or angry Christ is pushed out of the equation and considerations. We are more willing to give God our services, our money, our time so long as it does not stop us from sinning or doing things our own way.

To others Christ is not their life, it is school, family, career. We desire God to protect us, we hire Him as our security to provide for us safety even when we are not ready to obey Him. One author said “Life is what we are alive to, it is what really get our whole being”. For many, our interest, passion lies outside our relationship with Christ. We are alive to our identity, we are very conscious and we define our boundaries.

Then what does it really mean to live for Christ? Galatians 2:20 provided an answer: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Paul had lived a worldly successful life, but if you ask him he will say his life began on the road to Damascus. Is Christ your life, is He your daily passion, do you consider Him when you talk to people, relate with your subordinate in the market, in the school, at home or office? What is your life? What is it that you are really living for? If you die now and your life is weigh with the life of Christ, will you be able to say it is gain because I live for Him and not for self? To really live for Christ, we must trust and obey even when it falls out of human wisdom or logic. In every situation we must asked; what would Jesus do? To live is Christ means to trust God’s will for our life, do we trust God’s plan for our life to the extent that we could say “Lord, if your plan means loss of wealth and health like Job. What way has God been challenging or teaching you to trust His plan for your life and not your own plan and how have you been cooperating with Him? if you’re standing at one side of the River without a bridge and you hear Christ saying from the other side- come over, if you cannot jump into the river, then there is something still lacking that you need to work upon in your life. Let me conclude with the words of our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 10:39; “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

Living for Christ is what giving everything up for and it worth it.

Hymn- My hope is built on nothing less—. Amen.

At IMC Itiam UYo, January 24, 2021.


Bible passage: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31

Text: verse 31 “those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away.”

The particular way in which this world exists or appear need to be watched closely. We thank God for Methodist Church Nigeria that use this year to consider a Theme: “watch and pray”. They want us to look and observe attentively, to exercise caution and restraint and remain awake. There is a need to understand the form of this present world- there is a quiet competition between everybody, competition for survival, contest to belong to a certain class, this thing has even crept into the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ where evidence of the presence of God is reduced to material possession and prosperity. What is the reality in all these? what is the real state of what we are seeing? What is the real state of what we are experiencing? It is glittering, but there is nothing golden about it, nothing enduring, it is a sinking sand.

Just like the city of Nineveh in the Bible, it was a capital city, very beautiful, but when Jonah came and announced saying, “in 40 days it will be overthrown” at that point the beauty of Nineveh does not matter again because whatever the beauty it holds, it is marked for destruction.

In our passage apostle Paul replying to issues raised, but getting to verse 29 to 31 he said ‘what I mean is, the time is short there’s a particular behavior married people should exhibit, there is a mourning pattern, also what to even buy and what to keep. The fundamental question is: why are we to hold loosely what the world offers? Because it does not matter or make any difference how much good we are getting from the world or how much you like the world, the world we are seeing is on its way out, it will soon be gone. Whatever we are seeing or enjoying is sitting on a time bomb. This world is like a building marked for destruction; it does not matter even if the building is made of gold or other precious stones, it does not matter the size, it does not really matter the beauty so long as there is a mark of demolition, the date of demolition. The mark on it is more important than every other beauty you see on it.

This world is marked for destruction; the enticing form is like a vapor. There is no much time, generally death was declared upon the earth and that is why you see a lot of decay, the life expectancy is coming down, you have issues of young people having stroke, people will go to a theatre for child delivery and the baby is out but the mother is gone, you hear that somebody had finished his service; do his pass out parade and on his way returning to the parents, he had an accident and die. You heard about flood, riots, because of all these the time for doing the work of God is becoming increasingly short.

Time is of essence, there is no time to waste, our life is made up of time- so whatever takes your time, takes your life. All earthly things are transient and we should not bother ourselves unnecessarily about them. Just imagine, maybe a few years ago you stole money to buy Volvo, this Volvo that has been in vogue is not admired on the street now, now we are talking about Prado and Lexus.

Paul was saying, No Christian should make marriage or even sorrow you are passing through or things that make you happy or recognition and status you have a major goal and concern. Let those things as good as they don’t stand between you and God, between your fellowship and relationship with Him. Ephesians 5:5 say we should make most of the time because the days are evil. Let your beauty, riches, wealth and talent be used for God. The form of this world is fast decaying with all its offer and promises. The world is on its way out and will soon be gone regardless of its beauty. It is coated with poison and decorated with deceitful appearance and fast disappearing like a vapor. We should watch closely and pray that we don’t use our body more than our heart in the service of God.

In closing, I want to read from 1 John 2:17 “The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.”

The only thing that endures and worth giving our all for is- obedience to the will of God. Our prayer is that God should multiply grace in us, to enable us draw nearer and nearer to Him and pledge our loyalty to Him as long as this life last. Amen.

At MCN Obio Etoi UYo, March 17, 2019.


Bible passage: Genesis 15:1-12;17-18, Philippians 3:17-4:1, Luke 13:31-35, Psalm 27

Text: Genesis 15:1

Greetings in Jesus name.

From the passages we read, I will take my text from Genesis 15:1 “After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.”

If you follow the discussion closely, God was telling Abraham- I am your great reward. Abraham’s response was as if he was not listening, there is a disconnect in the communication, but God was patient and explain who will be his true heir. God almighty was saying ‘I have given myself to you, my presence, my blessings, my attention, my love, my riches and everything. God was telling him; I am all you need.

Reward means things you receive because of what you have done. God first of all said; fear not, I know humanly you cannot fill it into your senses and logic, all that you are afraid of will ultimately be solved by me.  How often do we behave like Abraham as Christians, the God of the universe has looked upon us and gave Himself for us through His Son Christ, He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing from above, He has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness, forgave us, bought us to be His sons and heir of eternal Life. But often, we ask for our own heirs, money, health, prosperity, more education, long life, good job, good husband, good wife, the list is endless. These things are good and right to be desired, but we run after these things, follow some rules and actions to get all these and to any length.  We engage even in religious activities like fasting, anointing with assorted oil, recitation of several passages of the scriptures. God is turned and related to as ‘father Christmas’ while we exhibit no serious determination to get God as a personal Lord and master. The reality is that- God contains all these. Matthew 6:33 says seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. We know how to ask God for things for mundane pleasures and failed to ask Him or even fast for more grace to be more holy and righteous or the earnest heart desire to be like Christ. We should go after God and desire Him to be our all in all. He is our great and exceeding reward. Amen.

On 22nd March, 2021 at Immanuel Methodist Cathedral Uyo.


Text: I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:5-8 NIV

This text is a call from a Holy God to a sinner. A privilege to abide in Christ so that we will live and bear fruits. It has attending benefits; we will bear fruits, we will ask what we desire, it will be granted to us, but it is premised on a fact- if you abide and His word abide in you.

There is a contest between relationship and what we will get from God. We desire to get things from God which is very correct because He is our father in a first place. By receiving from Him, the world will know that we are His disciple and His name will be glorified.

In our Christian Journey, what really matters are relationship. When the chips are really down, what really matters are our relationship with God. It is not what we get from God, not what we are able to attain in this world.

A story was told of two men who sat down to review their business trip and its results. One said, ‘he thought the trip was worthwhile because some meaningful new relationships had begun’. The other said ‘relationships are fine, but what matters to him is selling of our products’. Obviously, they had different agenda- one is about relationship and another, selling of products.

What is that to us: they are two kinds of people in the church. Some sets of people are in for relationship and other set for selling of their needs in the market of heaven and once they sell, it does not really matter to them what kind of relationship they have with Christ. what God will do for you is fine and selling your products and needs to God is fine and our God is well able to buy all and grant us our desires according to His riches in glory. But Christ laid a condition- if you abide in me and my word abide in you, then whatever you desire will be granted.

Matthew 6:33 supported that, when it said- “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things that you so desire to make your life worth a living will be added effortlessly to you. A righteous relationship with God matters than what needs you need Him to buy.

Just imagine, seeing a multimillionaire in an event and you approach him and ask for a school fee. The first question he will ask is ‘who are you?’ He may not have problem in the paying of the money, but he will first of all ask a question of relationship, why he is obligated to do that for you. That same man will not ask his son that asked for the same school fee after evening meals. What the man will ask in the house will be ‘How much?’

We should graduate to a level of relationship with God. Our relationship with God should be with faith and not presumption of self will. Hebrews 11:6 states, without faith it is impossible to please God, for he that will come to God must believe that He is and the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Faith is not exercising your will power, strongly claiming and simply pursuing a mere wish list as some preacher said. Faith is based on the revelation of God’s will- if you abide in me. The major difference between faith and presumption is the knowledge of the will of God. Faith is a strong believe on the integrity of God- which makes us act on God’s word and hope on God’s promises.

In conclusion, as we continue in this lent period- relationship matters most. We should not only be concerned with coming to sell our wish list. What is our view of sin, it makes all the difference in our relationship with a Holy God? The cross of Christ shows two major things about God- His hatred for sin and His love for humanity.

May God help us to have a deep relationship with God even as we appear before Him every evening.

Song: When we walk with the Lord…


BIBLE PASSAGES: PSALM 23, ACTS 4:5-12, 1 JOHN 3:16-24, JOHN 10:11-18.

TEXT: John 10:14 “I am the good shepherd and I know my sheep and am known by my own.”


As human beings we need two principal things, one is direction and another is provision. We had the need to know where to go, when is the right time to go, what happens between point A and B. Many of our activities revolves around this need, a need for direction and the need for provision. Because of the ignorance of the future; that we don’t know what the next step will be, we need a guide. The world we are traveling in dark and unpredictable, we need a guide. The grasses of this world are mixed with good and poisonous ones; we may not by our human knowledge know which one is good and which one is poisonous, we need a guide. The world is not a bed of roses; even some people say that roses have thorns, we need a guide. The wicked one, the enemy of God and the enemies of our soul inhabits the earth, we need protection.

In John 10 verse 14, which is our text for consideration, Christ mentioned three important statements: ‘I am the good shepherd’, ‘I know my sheep’, ‘My sheep know me’.

I am the good shepherd- Christ said that and He gave His reasons, He said ‘I laid down my life for my sheep’. So He was not making the claim for nothing, because of the welfare of His sheep, he gave His own life. The chief function of a shepherd is at the gate; letting the sheep in and out and protecting them. Jesus is the gate to God’s salvation. The shepherd offers the sheep access to safety and security, he lives for the sheep, he dies for the sheep, the good shepherd of our soul is committed that we arrive at home in safety. Behold what manner of love? Whatever you commit into His hands, He is well able to secure it and present it without spot or wrinkle before His father.

Secondly, Christ said, ‘I know my sheep’. The shepherd owns the sheep and is committed to them, He is not a hireling, not just doing the job, is committed with all His love. The shepherd knows His sheep; no one will introduce the sheep to Him. It is a blessing that the shepherd knows us, it means we are not lost in the crowd, we are not mixed up that we are not identified, He knows us and perfectly. But on the other hand, it calls for carefulness, because He knows us, means we cannot hide anything from Him. He knows the heart of the sheep and is not deceived by external packaging. He knows the sheep that comes to Him and their hearts are far away from Him. He knows the sheep that comes to Him for gain and not for eternal inheritance. How are you known by the shepherd? Are you a sheep of His pasture? The third one, Christ said, ‘my sheep know me’. The sheep’s relationship to the shepherd is the one that is characterized by this- the sheep hear the shepherd’s voice, they respond to His command, they trust in His command and direction, they accept the pasture they are brought into, they don’t protest because they love and trust the shepherd and his judgement. They don’t close their eyes, stop their ears, harden their hearts and cannot hear the shepherd’s voice. they hear, harken and follow. Does that describe you as a sheep of his pasture and fold?

In Acts 4 where we read, Peter and John knew Him very well and they testify before the religious leaders when they heal a man at the beautiful gate. It raised some crisis within the religious cycle, they were called by the whole family of the High priest and they said- this Jesus of Nazareth, the stone you have rejected, it is by His name that this man is heal and in Him is salvation found. It is not in anyone else, no name given under heaven among men, by which we can be saved and have eternal life. How do you know Christ the good shepherd? Evangelism is poor because we don’t know Him in an experiential order. When we knew Him properly and accurately, we will know what to say about Him and what to tell others about Him.

David knew Him and could testify that ‘this Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, He makes me lie down in a green pasture, He restores my soul, He lead me in the path of righteousness for His namesake, and because of that I will dwell in His house forever.’ How do you know Christ the good shepherd?

The utmost security of the sheep in Christ lies in the fact that no external power shall be able to dislodge them from the master’s love and protection. We are safe and secure in the hollow of His hands, this does not mean that the sheep cannot turn away and become entangled and be vulnerable with sin. What makes the sheep vulnerable and endangered and entangled is sin.

In 1 John 3:16; this is how We know what love is in Christ- He laid down His life. In verse 24, he said, those who obey His command live in Him and He in them. Are you in church and not in the fold of the good shepherd? It is not too late, you can come over, His arms are wide open to receive anybody that want to come. According to Psalm 23, He will restore your soul, He will lead you in the path of righteousness for His namesake and surely goodness and mercy will follow you, you will live in His house all the days of your life, and after Life forever. Are you a sheep of His pasture? You can make a right decision, today will be timely and you have nothing to lose, rather you have something to gain in this life and even in the life to come. May God help us to make this right choice today in Jesus name.

Are you a sheep of His pasture? Amen.

Let us close as we sing from MHB 622- Show me the way O Lord—.


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