Thank goodness we live in this time when Christianity and modernity have eclipsed most cultural practices; if not, these are some of the taboos you will have to be part of. One would not absolutely blame our forefathers for these regulations, which in their best judgement, would help keep their then society.
1. Nobody is allowed to sweep in the night, which means sweeping the family’s fortune away to the gods.
2. It is forbidden for a widow to inherit her late husband’s properties and for a deceased’s brother to give her anything directly, possibly gifts are offered through the male child of the widow.
3. It is forbidden for a male to use a knife to remove boiled yam from the pot while it is still on the fire.
4. It is forbidden for a female to walk or jump over a pestle or cooking utensil.
5. It is taboo for a menstruating female to go to the stream or any water source to fetch water, even the water pot in the house or cook food for anybody.
6. Whistling and fluting at night are taboo as it invites evil spirits and can make you mad.
7. If two brothers/sisters have sexual relationships with the same person and eat from the same plate, both will die of a mysterious illness.
8. It is a severe violation to mention a dog by name in the assembly of people.
9. It is taboo and a sign of waywardness for a young person to look straight into the face of an elder.
10. It is taboo to transfuse the blood of a male child to his mother or sister.
11. A wife must not, for any reason, dip her hand into her husband’s trousers.
12. Pregnant women and children must not eat eggs as that will invoke the stealing spirit on the unborn child and the little one.
13. … and so forth. Sounds funny–isn’t it?
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