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Updated: Jun 30, 2022

Historical snippet of a renowned war lord and his standpoint.Though nothing tangible is documented, oral tradition

and stories and people that lived in his time is something to glean from. Ogbiloko resisted the white man because they

taxed his people but brought no development.He overpowered the white man’s army repeatedly. So, the white men

resorted to blackmail and terror, murdering innocent civilians. They threatened to continue in this calumny until the

people handover the warrior to them.The people pleaded with their son to lay down his arms, but he would not heed.

They prevailed on his wife to betray him.His spiritual powers forbade him to eat food left overnight – ojiga nyamwu

gang ochacha. The wife knew this. Yielding to the people’s pressure, the wife heated up leftover food and served him

as though it was freshly made. He ate and lost his powers, and was vanquished by his enemies.Many years later, the

white men came back and read the names of villagers from a written list. Igede people were impressed with what they

thought was magic, enabling people to remember everyone’s name after a long time. They asked to be inducted, and

that is how western education was invited into the land.

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