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Neglecting past heroes and favouring the current actors is the proper description of this article. The immediacy of the present often neglects the depth and richness of our shared history.


In pursuing progress and celebrating contemporary achievements, there is a tendency to prioritise the present at the expense of the past. The phenomenon known as presentism involves an overemphasis on current events and actors, often resulting in the neglect of historical heroes whose contributions laid the foundation for modern society. This message seeks to explore the perils of lacking hindsight, the erosion of historical knowledge, and the importance of recognising and honouring the heroes of our past. A tree’s roots and leaves are essential, and no one can live without the other.


In our fast-paced, information-saturated society, the allure of the present is undeniable. The achievements of today’s figures may capture our attention, sometimes overshadowing the invaluable contributions of historical figures who paved the way for progress. The failure to appreciate historical heroes stems from a lack of hindsight — the ability to understand the present in the context of the past. Without a comprehensive understanding of the struggles, sacrifices, and breakthroughs of those who came before us, we risk underestimating historical figures’ profound impact on shaping our society. Neglecting the lessons of history deprives us of valuable insights and perspectives that can inform our decisions in the present.


Current Actors vs. Past Heroes: In the rush to celebrate current actors, either for bread or butter, there is a tendency to overlook the enduring legacies of historical heroes. The leaders from the past may have faced monumental challenges and achieved remarkable feats that set the stage for the advancements we witness today. Neglecting their contributions not only disservice their memory but also hampers our understanding of the complexities of progress. Severing the connection between past and present can be detrimental. A society that fails to acknowledge and honour its historical figures risks losing the narratives that define its identity. This collective forgetfulness undermines the richness of our cultural heritage and weakens the foundation upon which our values and traditions rest.


Recognising and honouring historical heroes is crucial for fostering a sense of continuity and perspective. Understanding the struggles and triumphs of those who came before us provides a context for our current challenges and achievements. It also instils a sense of gratitude and humility, acknowledging that our successes are built upon the contributions of those who navigated different, often more difficult, circumstances.


To address presentism’s perils, we should preserve a balanced narrative that encompasses both current actors and historical heroes. Education is pivotal in ensuring that individuals are equipped with the knowledge and appreciation of their cultural and historical heritage. Embracing a balanced perspective that values both the present and the past allows us to appreciate the continuum of human achievement.


Young people, just calm down, research or ask questions and stop demarketing yourself. You get a quiet disrespect when you know only the present and are ignorant of the past. You get a quiet disrespect if you keep shouting today and forgetting yesterday.

You get a quiet disrespect if you keep shouting about the current sef-acclaimed hero without recourse to trailblazers. You only confirm your ignorance level when you talk of today as if there was no yesterday. Promoting an actor today may not be wrong, but that does not cancel out the achievements of past actors.

You only pump the ego of the current actors with hot and corrosive air when you praise them for what they never initiated. You destroy history when you attribute all accomplishments to the current actor.

Just calm down and ask about yesterday. Just calm down.

10-open letters, 5 more to go.

Dated 6th December, 2023


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