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28 August 2022

“Those people are zealous to win you over, but for no good. What they want is to alienate you from us, so that you may be zealous for them. 18 It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good, and to be so always and not just when I am with you.” (Galatians 4:17-18 NIV)

A person may be sincerely zealous yet completely wrong, and I mean sincerely wrong. May the Lord help us to be zealous according to His will and for His glory among the fallen humanity.

Zeal was one characteristic of the early Christians; they forfeited everything in the world for Christ’s sake. It has been the characteristic of people of God throughout history and should be ours in this present age if we are determined to bring about the revival that we heard about.

True zeal is good because it benefits the Christian, the church, and society. Why, then, is it good to have a Christ-like zeal?

Zeal is beneficial to the Christian personally; just as exercise is good for our bodily health, zeal is good for our spiritual health. Those zealous for Christ are likely to know more than others of inner joy, peace, comfort and happiness. Those who strive the most for God’s glory are likely to be honoured and cherished the most by God in this life and life to come.

Zeal is beneficial to the church corporately. It is impossible to estimate the debt the church owes the men of zeal. People with lesser gifts but great zeal have often done more than those with greater gifts but less zeal. One genuine zealous person can achieve much, for zeal is contagious as people are stirred up and awoken to their responsibility as they behold a trailblazer.

Zeal is beneficial to society. Evangelism and good works are inspired mainly by the zeal to serve and obey the commands of God. Zealous people are willing and ready at any time to go into the world to preach the gospel of salvation and do good for the sake of Christ and His glory wherever they can.

It is worthy of caution; we must be careful not to quench Christian zeal within us or another person because of sentiment or envy. When we allow our understanding and sentimental perception to inform our actions, we may often stray away from God’s will and concern for a particular event or assignment. We should understand that zealous people are humans and sometimes liable to make mistakes; they are just willing and available tools in the hands of a perfect God. God is interested in them and is not done with them; hence, you should not conclude on anybody; instead, we are obligated to pray for one another. Zealous people can make mistakes, but being a Christian without zeal is far worse.

In concluding this series of exhortations on Christian zeal, let us encourage the following categories of people:

Those who make no definite profession of Christian faith or know nothing of Christian zeal; but are zealous about their businesses, office work that gives them the needed income to pay their bills, politics, and other mundane ventures are to reconsider their steps. It is eternally costly to have zeal for earthly things and neglect eternal matters. The appeal is that you wake up and develop zeal for God, the gospel and godly services in this world.

Those who are never ready to be zealous but get irritated at zealous people and resort to criticism and condemnation. Let us be careful because the Holy Spirit gives Christian zeal for the kingdom’s work, so if you quench the zeal using your words, actions and any possible advantage you have, you can be sure that you are fighting God, the giver of that zeal. It is safer to pray for what you do not understand than to say a thing that may not be true about anybody in the service of God unless you are sure of the error in the method or pattern.

Let us encourage zealous Christians with this one word–persevere. Do not leave your first love and become cold, do not mind the reproach of men and name calling. Let your concern be about God who had called you and to whom you will give an account of your service on the day He comes.

God, help us to be zealous for you and your work as long as we live.

Keep a date with us next Sunday


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